A Brief History of the Seminar’s Study
A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand edited by Jonathan Hoenig (ongoing)
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress by Steven Pinker (49 sessions)
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein (15 sessions)
Judicial Review in an Objective Legal System by Dr. Tara Smith (33 sessions)
Equal Is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality by Don Watkins and Yaron Brook (28 sessions)
In Defense of Selfishness: Why the Code of Self-Sacrifice is Unjust and Destructive by Peter Schwartz (16 sessions)
How We Know: Epistemology on an Objectivist Foundation by Dr. Harry Binswanger (73 sessions)
Lectures on Psychology by Dr. Edith Packer (17 sessions)
Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big Government by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins (21 sessions)
The Dim Hypothesis: Why the Lights of the West Are Going Out by Dr. Leonard Peikoff (30 sessions)
Understanding Objectivism: A Guide to Learning Ayn Rand’s Philosophy by Dr. Leonard Peikoff (15 sessions)
Tea Party Patriots: The Second American Revolution by Mark Meckler (3 sessions)
Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen Hicks (7 sessions)
Many essays drawn from Rand’s nonfiction anthologies (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), Robert Mayhew’s collections of essays on Rand’s novels (1,2,3,4), and articles published in The Objective Standard journal. (Note that a good amount of this material is also available free online.)
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, Expanded Second Edition (37 sessions)
The Ominous Parallels by Dr. Leonard Peikoff’s (15 sessions)
Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Dr. Leonard Peikoff (53 sessions)
Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist by Dr. Tara Smith (20 sessions)